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Riverside School

  1. School Events

Books for School Needed

Here at Riverside, we love to read. We would love to update our library with more books. If you can donate any (see below) please contact the school. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sea Dragons Visit 
To 'Launch' the beginning of the Spring Term we will be having a visit from the Sea Dragons. Their Viking boat will be on site on Saturday 27th April from 10am - 1pm. This will be a fundraising event for Riverside and tickets can be purchased via PayPal
Please pay via our pay pal stating your name & and amount of tickets https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Riversideschool762
Bring cash on the day also as there will be plenty of stalls and activities as well

Belfast City Marathon 2024

We are officially on the one month countdown until our Riverside Runners participate in the Belfast City Marathon. Training is well underway and the teams are excited and nervous about the task ahead! We are raising funds for our school and fundraising will begin this week. Keep your eyes peeled for our forms and links.


Middletown Centre for Autism

Whole School Referral 

From April 2024 to April 2025, Riverside school will work in partnership with Middle town Centre of Autism. This is a whole school programme involving all stake holders.  This is a brilliant opportunity for professional development working with a team dedicated to outstanding practice. 

You can find more out about Middletown here: https://www.middletownautism.com/

You can find more out about this exiting enterprise below.

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Special Olympics Launch

November 2023

Riverside Special School are proud to launch our new Special Olympics sports club. Our Special Olympics club helps us expand our curriculum, broaden horizons, build self-esteem, become independent and cultivate friendships. Each Wednesday we embrace the joy of sports, where every participant is a champion! This year our inclusive session in junior school involves improving upon our fundamental movement skills through fun games. Our senior athletes are loving basketball, golf and athletics. Our sensory pupils are having so much fun as they explore bowling and swimming. We Can’t wait to create memories together at Special Olympics that will last a lifetime.



Middletown Centre for Autism

Whole School Referral 

From April 2024 to April 2025, Riverside school will work in partnership with Middle town Centre of Autism. This is a whole school programme involving all stake holders.  This is a brilliant opportunity for professional development working with a team dedicated to outstanding practice. 

You can find more out about Middletown here: https://www.middletownautism.com/

You can find more out about this exiting enterprise below.

Special Olympics Launch

November 2023

Riverside Special School are proud to launch our new Special Olympics sports club. Our Special Olympics club helps us expand our curriculum, broaden horizons, build self-esteem, become independent and cultivate friendships. Each Wednesday we embrace the joy of sports, where every participant is a champion! This year our inclusive session in junior school involves improving upon our fundamental movement skills through fun games. Our senior athletes are loving basketball, golf and athletics. Our sensory pupils are having so much fun as they explore bowling and swimming. We Can’t wait to create memories together at Special Olympics that will last a lifetime.
